Blockchain Defi Platform
a single, liquid platform for
exchanging carbon credits

Revenue Projection
Focusing on High Revenue Through Exceptional Client Servicing
Revenue potential 4.78% to 6.18% per Carbon Allowance exchanged.
How we earn revenue
Carbon Depository provides carbon allowance owners with a secure platform which they can use to sell their verifed allowances at a fixed price (put option), and corporations or investment funds seeking offsets can use as a safe and effective means to purchase the amount of verified allowances needed at a set price by a certain date (call option).
Sellers on other carbon exchanges are subject to average fees or 9.30% to 16.80% and is not peer to peer.
Carbon Depository earns the price difference between the seller price and the buyer of Carbon Allowance.
Options Contract
35 Government Carbon Exchanges with increasing corporate mandated carbon foot print off-setting.
EU Carbon Allowance price
Bloomberg projected 2030 EU
Carbon Allowance price
26,376 EU corporations are subject to carbon emissions regulations.
EU Fortune 500 corporations are regulated to offset their carbon footprint
92.8% Fortune 500 have set goals to address their carbon footprint and energy use in response to the climate crisis.
77,860 US corporations have investor policies for carbon footprint offsetting and purchasing carbon allowances